Print, fold, splice, share



We were stallholders chuffed once more at the Sticky Institute 2021 Festival of the Photocopier, which this year, was

The fair officially opened on Saturday the 20th of February at 12pm AEDT, but is open for the remainder of the year. It is brimful of stalls and resources, and the promise of a physical fair. If you can, get behind these brilliant stallholders and support where and however you can.

In time for the fair, our newly built site, which allows you to pull up anything related to Sticky-ness, and two free zines for you to print, fold, splice, and share with your nearest and dearest, or pocket, should you please.

What if we saw, while out walking (I)
PDF download
While walking in a loop, a proposition: what if?

What if we saw, while out walking (II)
PDF download
The familiar inhabitants of this zine are from John Gould’s The Mammals of Australia, 1863, in the collection of the State Library of New South Wales. Hand-painted illustrations drawn and lithographed by Gould (18041881) and Henry Constantine Richter (18211902), seen, perhaps, while out walking.


If you have access to an A3 printer, you can print these concertina zines at 125% and make a slightly larger one (the two sizes, from A4 and A3, pictured above).

You will find these two free downloads, alongside In the MET there is a “Pit from a Balanites tree with a hole caused by a rodent”, ca. 2381–2323 B.C., Old Kingdom, on view in Gallery 100. and We have been looking at you the wrong way round. We still do. To the gardeners of the sky, under Downloads in our online store. And should you print and fold one your end, we’d love to see a photo.

There’s also an instruction PDF, should you need it for the half-and-half-again.


We are currently working on a zine for the forthcoming NGV Melbourne Art Book Fair 2021, which will also be solely online. It will be a small-for-a-zine edition of fifty. It will have a wrap around drawing like a band of kelp. It, too, will be available only in our online store, come the March launch. It straddles with ease the space between zine and artists’ book by way of small publication. But, as ever, from free download to bound, we say, call them what you will, we ask only that you derive some joy from them.

Its current working title, Dip and bob. Yes, we’re going under the water.

Until then, please head to our new site. The same address, but new, we hope you’ll agree, in every other sense. Please peruse our A(rtists’ books) to Z(ines) to see what we have assembled and folded. Head to Works for everything from exhibitions to commissions by way of small projects. To Words, to read them.

Dip and bob well, friends.


Image credit: Herman Saftleven II, Travelers in a Forest (detail), 1647, black chalk, black and brown wash drawing